Casonato (1993, P. Perhaps check out A. F. Chief of Staff for more information. 200), the education of sciences of the life must present the process of construction for the scientists. In this process of problems they are formulated, decided and reformulated, also demanding a relation of diverse you discipline. ‘ ‘ To see with the eyes of alma’ ‘. The theory is the mental capacity to schematize situations of form that are found, same in different contexts, common lines in which the thought if seats. Amongst other elements, knowledge and to know necessary to the formation of the abilities established in the profile of the pupil, curricular structure, basic and complementary digest, bibliographies, material strategy of education, professors, resources, administrative services, service of laboratories and infrastructure of support. The professor must have the responsibility to search to understand which the contents that better apply to the definitive reality in the pertaining to school community and of education, considering the nature of the contents in sciences and biology.
Technique of education and learning, such as printed matter reading, examination of models, quarrel of subject, exposition of point of view, resolution of problems, ordinance writings of the colloquies and debates, among others are, however the concern that must be in qualitative terms. The planning requires quarrel, esquematizao, cohesion between justification, object and methodology, bibliography and evaluation. Certain formality leads professors and pupils to the commitment with the lessons. Consequently it is seen necessity to form professors with good ability in getting a method of programmed work. The professor must select materials and adequate activities to education in accordance with the level of the student, aiming at to facilitate the best possible learning. Especially in the education of sciences, the planning must emphasize autodescoberta, the solution of problems to the projects.
The apprentice must be touched by the materials with ‘ ‘ significaes psicolgicas’ ‘ for a subject with ‘ ‘ significaes lgicas’ ‘. Thus for the good performance of the process education, the professor must find the form most adequate to education, aiming at to facilitate to the learning, considering situations that despertam to the curiosity of the pupil, unchaining inquiry work. The professor of science and biology must also appeal the good ones reviewed, such as: Sciences today, Sciences today of the Children, Science and Culture, for practical of the reading and the scientific discovery. It is important to point out the process of the writing on the part of the professor of science and biology as professor-researcher also has as characteristic the ability in the reading and the article writing, projects and reports. Barrass (1979) insists that ‘ ‘ The scientists need escrever’ ‘ , heading of one of its books. It is as soon as a professor-researcher becomes an professor-author. Hennig remembers that the success of any used technique depends on the performance of the professor. To this it fits to know different methods of education and to choose that one that better if adapta to the content to be shared with its pupils (1998, P. 190). In this method the pupil discovers the information and to the professor he fits to propitiate the conditions so that he discovers them to the pupil, that is, acts as facilitador. It is necessary the pupil to know to deal with the errors and the frustrations, as well as, with the pleasure of the conclusion of a work and the discovery. ‘ ‘ Here it is that the scientific education must, above all, search paz’ ‘.