The real intentions in the process of verification of a history if of the one thanks to the exercise of the investigativo journalism. As the focus of this article is in the television, probably it has confused the objective of the investigativo journalism and unhappyly it attributes to other definitions or characteristics, running away from what really he is. The TV has examples of distortion of the investigativo journalism, the example of programs as Urgent Brazil (Band), 190 (TV Periodical), etc. Examples of a journalism that if presents with profile of serious, but that for usually the emocionalismo works, the espetacularizao of the notice, becoming products of the sensationalism and leaving the investigativo bias. The field of scientific study is sufficiently ample to understand as the sensationalism in the communication functions. For one better agreement the sensationalism concept can be defined as: ' ' Way of production discursivo of the information of the present time processed for intensification criteria and I exaggerate graph, thematic, linguistic and semantic, contend in itself desproporcionais, detached, added values and elements or deducted in the context from representation or Real reproduction social' ' (Pedroso apud Angrimani, 1995:14).
The journalism of street to the times can be defined or be classified as sensationalist, as in the Cardinot program Here in the Club (TV Club), that it shows to the reality of the violence of the Region Metropolitan of Recife. The commentaries, the images are the fort of the program. The speech of the ethical and moral behavior is not fit in the majority of these related cases of programs. The great concern is with the hearing and not with the social interests. Bibliographical references ANGRIMANI, Danilo. Espreme that leaves blood: a study of the sensationalism in the press. So Paulo: Summus, 1995.
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